Journal: Lightroast coffee:
In line with Harriet Allure’s focus on quality and sustainability, we’ve teamedup with lightroast to showcase how shapes and elegant designs can subtlyimpacts your coffee experience. Our candle vessels are handcrafted fromPortuguese ceramics, dishwasher-safe, making them reusable in variousways after the candle burns out, such as transforming into a coffee cup.Over two and a half years ago, the twins fulfilled their dream by opening theirown café in the heart of Düsseldorf, Germany. Lightroast Coffee has sincebecome one of the city’s most popular spots, celebrated for its passion,diverse flavors, and authentic coffee origins.Owner’s Max and Paul are dedicated to ensuring their customers taste thetrue essence of coffee, emphasizing its origins over the influence of theroasting process.Their commitment extends to quality, sustainability, and transparency. Theywork closely with coffee farmers to ensure fair compensation and eco-friendlycultivation practices.The boys place great importance on the diversity of flavors and the authenticorigin of our coffees. Our light roast allows you to enjoy the coffee as it isgrown and harvested in its country of origin.Check out our Instagram to find out more ways to reuse your burned outcandle jar.
